Happy First

What we so afraid? Why do not we go?

A shark can not rest, can not stop swimming or they will die, he will drown.

Humanity seems to act the same way. It is good that we are doing in our lives. We are persecuted and if we stop, we will die.

It is urgent to go somewhere, anywhere, and no one knows what to look for and where, but it's still there, somewhere.

Unknowingly, we left the place we seek. The peace we have known for so long that children and the person we once were. We seem to have lost our way and we run for fun race. It's like we were in a cattle stampede. We started the race and follow blindly.

What happened to peace, serenity and joy of being fair, what happened to our innocence? Somewhere along the way we think we have lost, and we can not do it again. Someone told us to run and have not stopped.

The industrial revolution pushed us forward in a frenzy to acquire objects, the latter is always better, is always desirable, and that's the carrot that drives us beyond our means, far from what we really want.

He has taken our natural ability to be at peace, to be happy and content. "Things" we've been promised happiness, but did not feel happy when we have them. There is always a promise of happiness, but never delivered. Things can be symbols of our happiness, but do not bring the promise because it is another thing to dance in the distinctive dark call, bringing us one thing to another.

We are so far gone that we now believe that we can not be happy if we have nothing. We have forgotten how to be happy naturally without being stimulated. We were told we can not go back; We can not go back to how it was before, because we would not have our business.

This is one of the biggest lies that have been passed from one generation to another. Happiness is where you find it, we are told, is absolute truth and if we understand that we can find happiness anywhere if we are happy first. The idea of ​​being happy brings happiness in our lives. Happiness comes from within and can not be put upon us by things.

The problem is created from the idea that we need something to be happy and this problem comes from the same things that we depend on to bring us happiness.

If illness, accidents, pain, suffering, deprivation and loneliness due to an error in thought, then that thought must change in order to achieve happiness, and once our basic needs are satisfied, there room for happiness. When thoughts turn to when they want to get away from the comforting human emotion, the natural love, joy, pleasure, satisfaction and belonging. The simple life is the closest we get to true happiness, because we become focused on it, is what we think and every thought is manifested in our experience.

"I can not go back, I will not, I work very hard to get where I am and what I have, I will not live in a cave.

If all you really want is to be happy, why do not we live in a cave and only live so she goes back to pleasure. If we go in a direction away from happiness, why are we going? Are we willing to be unhappy, and no real happiness in our thoughts? Do we believe that happiness does not last, so why continue? What we do with butterfly once we catch? Happiness is catching butterfly or let go once we were there, or both? We can experience happiness without experiencing all its opponents? It is the joy of giving to a precept experience happiness when we meet? Should we give back to happiness so we can find it later? If we are happy and continue like this, we forget what it means to be happy?

All our experiences are like, which are cyclic, and we can not know or experience until you no longer have. We need to get away so we can go back. So if we live our lives is not difficult to bring happiness we chose, it is because we have forgotten what it is or are we ready to go?

Did we miss something or is that going to run with it? The trip ends when we know that we have what we want, we just have to choose. Happiness, joy, satisfaction, membership are things that we must not look. They are what they are naturally and we just passed our thoughts away from them.

Our stuff, our toys are symbols, but not symbols of happiness, which are symbols of trying to be happy. They are symbols we move away from what we have, what we know. Trying to make our lives so we can have "time" to be happy and enjoy our lives, we have created less time to be happy. Feliz is scheduled to events and things, and then we are too tired. To numb our sense of loss drug happiness so we do not have to feel something.

The truth is, and always has been that we can be happy without "things" or do anything. The sacrifice is that we must abandon the idea that we need something and we have to be willing to give up things that do not show our happiness. Happiness comes as quickly as thought. Be happy first, then go out and do things that are satisfied. Happiness comes in moments of silence between events, when there is nothing else to do, when we gave up to find, and when we did all the rest. When we took the idea that we need to find, you find us.

I do not know anyone who is happy all the time or even most of the time. I believe that happiness should be the dessert. We have to go through the main course to find it. If the dessert was the main course would still move away once they had completed or was sick of it.

I think we can be happy all the time, but not the experience. As we get involved to do good things, we forget that we are happy to coming into our mind that we are happy. Too much happiness or dessert becomes irritating and banal, like sex, should stay away from it to appreciate and be grateful for the time he meets her.

An emotion that comes to happiness is happiness that is not as intense. But even the joy that happiness must be recycled. No extreme life is not life. Life unfolds in waves and begins at the edge of all our emotions. Once the hand is used to be in the warm water, it is preferred hotter until it trips.

Once you let go of the idea that happiness will have more experience, so we have time to focus on the experience and thrill just to be established in our lives. We're not going to have to do things to find. Stop running away from the crowd, to simplify your life becomes aware of his surroundings, learn to appreciate what is already around you and happiness will come into your mind forever. Find beauty in the simple rock, a blade of grass, or the people around you. You've created, are thy wonders, and you brought it as an opportunity to find happiness.

Roy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. A student of NLP, ordained minister, New Age Light Worker and Teacher. Roy has written and published seven ebooks on New Age wisdom and a new book coming out in late 2005 on paper. Roy books are thought provoking and designed to allow you to take responsibility for your life and what you believe. His books and articles have been written in the simplicity and eloquence of Zen wisdom.

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